The Peoples Digital Story Library 

Creating a New Listening  
When you share your personal experiences they become your story

We will be assembling a digital database of short anonymous personal experiences all recorded on audio. In this zone of anonymity everyone is equal. Everyone has a story to tell but do you dare share it? That is why we seek to collect experiences in short story form that are totally anonymous. It will be a repository of human stories sharing their unique journeys of the common experience of what it is to be truly human. 
Josei Toda, late president of the Soka Gakkai, said ‘great feelings give rise to great reason ….our feelings for our fellow citizens and the rest of humanity stem from the highest reason’
Therefore we will be asking people to give us 2 words that describe how they feel about their experience a device connecting people with their feelings.
Listen to our sample stories below at your leisure ...see if you can spot the deliberate mistakes that break the anonymity of no names, places or dates.


These two words will attached to each story will give our database an emotional search capability which will be developed over time and iused to coach users through crisis and empower you with confidence, self esteem and motivation.  

  FUTURE VISION : eCoaching, Learning and Gaming 

This database of stories with its emotional search capability will be used for ecoaching , eLearning and eGaming products and services many of which will be bespoke to the needs of our users. 
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